
Welcome to Dice With the Universe!

Generally, I am going to put some thoughts from my life here. They will usually have to do with my translation work or with my writing. Your comments are welcome.


The title of the blog, for those interested, is a part of a paraphrase of Albert Einstein's words -- "God doesn't play dice with the universe." The words originally meant Einstein's scepticism about Quantum Physics (that gives a statistical chance of an event occurring), but I use this phrase as a general guideline to life. Things don't happen randomly. If we want to succeed we need to make it happen ourselves.

Welcome again. Enjoy your stay.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Good news and more updates

Hey, it couldn't have been only a month since my last post :-) Anyway, I've had some good news recently. Despite my scepticism, Nature Materials actually agree to send our rewritten paper for review after rejecting the initial version. suffice it to say that my boss is pretty excited (maybe overly so). Nature Materials is a sub-division (if it can be called this way) of the general journal Nature. They reject about 95% of the papers they recieve at the first stage, when editors read them (which is surprisingly or not, not that different from fiction editors and agents). The rest go to peer review (I am not sure how much of those make it into print, so, I can't speculate about our chances). The paper in its new form is pretty solid in my view. I think it is better this way than the short "brevia" version we originally submitted to Science. So, anyway, I am hoping for the best, but even if it is not published in Nature Materials, it has an excellent chance of being published in another high level journal. Which brings me to another set of good news. The paper we submitted to ACS Nano had returned from review. One reviewer suggested publishing it as is, another suggeted mostly stylistic comments and one was pretty negative. some of his comments have merit and we are working on addressing them. Some of the other comments, I have to say, are slightly weird. In any case, the revision should be finished shortly and I am pretty sure it will go through this time. ACS Nano is not as high end as Nature Materials, but it is still a very high ranking journal. So, this is very good. Our third paper is almost done (finally....) and should be out to a journal in the next few days. All in all, pretty good progress. I also have some updates on the personal front, but I'll leave them for another post.