
Welcome to Dice With the Universe!

Generally, I am going to put some thoughts from my life here. They will usually have to do with my translation work or with my writing. Your comments are welcome.


The title of the blog, for those interested, is a part of a paraphrase of Albert Einstein's words -- "God doesn't play dice with the universe." The words originally meant Einstein's scepticism about Quantum Physics (that gives a statistical chance of an event occurring), but I use this phrase as a general guideline to life. Things don't happen randomly. If we want to succeed we need to make it happen ourselves.

Welcome again. Enjoy your stay.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A dilemma

Well, it seems that good news go in packs. I got a phone call today from Jenna Lucas, who is responsible for admissions to the UNO writing MFA program. I was accepted to the program. Now, it looks like I have a small dilemma on my hands. If I get some form of scholarship (if I don't then there is no real dilemma), do I go to this program, do I go to the Materials Engineering PhD or do I try to do both? Theoretically I think it is possible to do both, since the writing program is low residence program, but it will be very hard and there will still be a problem of the few residences. I'll have to think about this till the end of the month.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Dance

I have great news.
First, I have been accepted for PhD studies at the Nebraska University at Lincoln (Materials Engineering).

The second bit, I had mentioned about a month ago. Now it's official. I made my first sale. Something for Nothing is going to appear at the Allegory magazine issue 12/39 on May 1st.